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School Hours 


Doors Open & Office Hours


Please call if your child will be dropped off later than 9:00am, children will NOT be permitted after 9:30 without notification.  


Private Program

Located in Mansfield Texas*

(Regency between Broad & Heritage)



MCPA is a Private Micro-School & Pre K program.  We offer a unique blend of a private day school for  Pre-k 3, Pre-k 4 Transitional kindergarten, homeschool enrichment & Classes for Kindergarten through 4th grade.

Enrichment classes for all ages, Camps, Parent & Me Classes, and more are also offered.  We are not a licensed daycare program

 We hold an active exemption from Texas Childcare Licensing (HHSC).  Our program voluntarily chooses to follow Childcare Minimum Standards.   

This Handbook is for Full & Part Time Students ages 3-5

montessori kids 3.jpeg


Prek3-5 Program

Our program uses a rigorous curriculum that is playful and intentional.  Focusing on children's cognitive, social emotional, and physical development.  Embedding high quality academics into play based exploration.

Our Mission: To provide a safe, nurturing, secure, educational, and enriching environment that fosters a love of learning and positive self esteem.  We believe that through support, individual attention, and recognition we are building the foundation necessary for a lifetime of learning.


Enrollment/Withdrawal Process: Program information is provided to parents upon request.  Admission process is based on:  Space availability, and completion of all required enrollment forms and fees.  Copies of personal documentation must be received within 5 business days of the enrollment process.  MCPA Policy is listed within this document and are detailed and given to parents upon signing the enrollment agreement.  In the event that a child is absent for three (3) consecutive days without proper notification to he/she will be considered withdrawn.   If withdrawal becomes necessary the parent should provide written notification to MCPA at least 30 days in advance.  Tuition for the 30 days notice is due, even if your child does not continue to attend during that time.  When removing a child all tuition must be current including payment of 30 day notice.All tuition and any other fees incurred throughout this period will be due payable. Failure to pay fees will result in parent being responsible for all legal fees, court fees, reimbursement for any time off work and any other cost pertaining to the collection of the tuition. No portion of tuition, registration, or fees will be refunded.  To re-enroll all normal procedures and fees will apply.  Occasionally, a child is unable to adjust to the environment/program OR behavior becomes a problem and dismissal becomes necessary.  In this situation MCPA will make every reasonable effort to accommodate the child and family.  MCPA reserves the right to dismiss students from enrollment at sole discretion.

Parents will be notified of handbook and policy changes via email & written with a link to our website and located under "handbook"  Handbook and Policies are always located on our webpage.  

Written Handbook/Policies are available by request only.


Tuition & Fees:   Registration Fees are paid when enrolling & every year for the new school year.  When first enrolling space will be held for your child for up to 5 business days after registration has been received. Specials & Discounts may or may not be offered throughout the year. Registration which has not been paid by the new school year enrollment date will result in dismissal from the program until registration fees are paid, and all re-enrollment procedures are complete.   Rates are payable whether or not your child is present.  Tuition is paid in advance.  Tuition can be paid by virtual payment.  Payment is due every Friday by 4:30.  If payment has not been made by this time a immediate $50 charge will be added to your account and $10 per day (Including weekends).  Care will not be provided Monday morning without payment of tuition and fees. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY.  If a holiday falls on or during a tuition payday then payment will be under same terms on the day before holiday. Tuition rates are based on enrollment and not attendance. HOLIDAYS SCHOOL IS CLOSED/WEATHER DAYS: Full tuition is due for weeks that include holidays/bad weather days unless we have notified otherwise. At MCPA you must pay per "position" which means that the slot is held just for your child and is not based on attendance.  There will be NO refunds or adjustments made to your tuition for your time missed due to illness, holidays, or days off.  A place has been reserved for your child and cannot be filled on a short term basis.  ​


Staff Vacations/Sick Days/ Personal Days:  Parents are asked to have a backup available in case of unexpected closings, teacher illness, or Training/Personal development Days.  MCPA will operate on a school calendar and will close according to our ISD school schedule.  MCPA calendar will be provided each fall for closings and holidays.  Holiday closings will be paid as normal for the week. 


Late pick up/Early drop off Fees:  Late Pickup Fees will be immediate for students checked in on campus after 4:30pm.  The late fee of $50 will be an immediate charge and $1 per minute.  At 15 minutes an additional fee of $50 will be applied.   Late fees will NOT be waived for any reason.  After the 3rd late pickup a red slip will be sent home with student to discuss continuation of attendance at MCP Academy.   


Security: The doors will be locked throughout the entire day to ensure the safety of the children & staff while children are in care.  Please use doorbell and someone of the staff will be happy to assist you, please have your DL/ID ready to show upon arrival.


Nutritional Needs: NO Peanut products are permitted.   AM Snack: 9:30 Lunch: 12:30 PM Snack: 2:45. 

All meals & lunches will be supplied to students.  

Parents are still welcome to bring peanut free snacks/lunch for their student at anytime.***  


*Breakfast:  Please have Breakfast eaten before arrival.


Open Door Policy:  MCPA has an open door policy.  Parents can call or visit anytime during our operating hours.  If you wish to discuss your child's behavior or progress please arrange and set up an appointment with Ms. Cammy .  


Procedure for release of students:  For the safety of your child as well as all children who attend MCPA, Please be prepared to show picture ID when picking up a student.  Children are signed in/out and allowed to leave ONLY with their parent or person designated in writing by the parent.  The parent or designated person will sign out the child along with the time the child is leaving.  At the time of enrollment the parent completes and emergency info form.  This form contains the names and telephone numbers for all persons given the responsibility of picking up your child.  It is parents responsibility to keep the information current and accurate.  Forms are available for change to any information needing with MCPA.  A person requesting to pick up a child should be listed on the Emergency contact and information form.  However, emergencies may arise that require your child to be picked up by a person other than those listed on the emergency form.  Before dismissal time, the parent must notify staff at MCPA and supply pertinent information about the person arriving to pick up the child.  Any unknown person picking up the child will be asked to show proper id before the child will be released.  The child will not be released without sufficient ID.  Before release of the child a copy of ID will be made and kept on file.  If divorced or separated Custody we must have a copy of Custody papers on file to deny dismissal to parent. This is State Law


Change of Information: It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to update information on file as soon as a change takes place.  You may be asked to update your child's record annually even if there are no reported changes.  If your child does not reside with both parents, you will be required to show evidence of custody if needed.  A court decree will be required to prevent either parent from having access to a child.  Under state law we CAN NOT and WILL NOT prevent a legal parent from picking up a child, UNLESS a court order is in place and on file.


Immunization requirements: MCPA requires that every student must be immunized and immunizations must remain current, For children who are not vaccinated a notarized affidavit must be on file.  As regulated by Texas State Law we require validated records of completed immunizations for all students.  As soon as your child receives immunization boosters, please send a copy of immunization records to MCPA via Brightwheel.


Potty Training: Children are required to be fully potty trained to attend MCPA.  Please speak with us privately to discuss potty help needs. 


Breastfeeding: MCPA provides a comfortable chair within our classroom for our breastfeeding mother's and babies.  Breastfeeding mothers have the right to breastfeed or provide breast milk for their child in our care. 


Rest Period:​  All children are provided a quiet time and a place for rest.  Soft music and a soft lit room provide relaxing atmosphere for the children. Children are encouraged to rest during this time.  If your child falls asleep he/she will be awakened at the end of the rest period, and no earlier unless parent has arrived to pick up child.


Curriculum:  MCPA uses Custom State Approved Themed Units & curriculum.  We use integrated studies, changing around every 4-6 weeks.  Children are offered the opportunity to enjoy preschool activities, including messy sensory, creative art, alphabet and language, music and movement, hands on math and science, social activities, and games.

These developmentally appropriate activities encompass all areas of your child's development.  Our belief is that all children learn best through hands on activities and interacting with their environment and we strive to present activities with that in mind.

Our program uses a rigorous curriculum that is playful and intentional.  Focusing on children's cognitive, social emotional, and physical development.  Embedding high quality academics into play based exploration.


Extracurricular Activities: 

We believe in engaging the child's entire self. Mind & Body.  We have several outside classes that are offered at our little program each week.  
Stretch N' Grow (is the world’s largest network of certified youth fitness instructors providing fun and engaging enrichment programs that get kids moving at their schools)

Music (your child will learn how to play a variety of instruments including the tambourines, maracas, rhythm sticks, and triangle. Our fun and engaging activities are designed to help stretch their imaginations as they learn about music style, tone, melody, and harmony.)

Kidcreate Art (Specializing in children's art classes, and camps. Kidcreate Studio - Mansfield is an art studio just for kids. At Kidcreate Studio -, your child will create fridge-worthy masterpieces, learn art concepts, and experiment with many different art materials.


Screen Time: MCPA follows all state policies when it comes to screen time allowance.  No more than 2 hours will be permitted for screen time of any type (Tablet, TV, Phone, Computer, etc), unless it is a special occasion/movie day.  


Smoking policy:  MCPA is a smoke free AND drug free property.  During business hours smoking is NOT permitted on or around the premises.  


Illness & Well Child Policy:  Should you have any questions about the health of your child please call and talk with Ms. Cammy or Staff before bringing them in for the day.  Symptoms listed will guide you if you need to keep your child home.  If these symptoms appear while your child is in class MCPA staff will contact you immediately to pick up your child.  We cannot threaten the other children with an illness, due to a parent's negligence.  If you cannot get off from work please have a backup person listed on your emergency contacts to pick up your child in a reasonable amount of time.  Weather permitting we will go outside everyday.  If your child is not well enough to participate in all school activities please keep them home.  

Symptoms:  1.Vomiting 2. Two or more loose stools 3. A temperature of 100 degrees or higher 4. Discharge from the eyes, itchy eyes, red eyes, or crusted eyelids 5. Listless/lethargic behavior 6. Lack of appetite or refusal to eat or drink 7. Extreme irritability 8. Clearly unusual behavior, which persists over a period of time 9.Swollen glands at the back of the neck 10. A blotchy rash on stomach and back or fine rash all over the torso 11. Swelling jawline or in front of the ear 12. Very sore throat as indicated by refusing food and drink and possibly an upset stomach. 13.  Body Lice, head lice, or the presence of nits 14. Small crusty blisters, fine blisters on the face, scalp, or body indicating the possibility of chicken pox. 


Health Checks are done each morning before a child enters our program/classroom.  Temperature Checks, Greeting & Look over, and a quick health chat with parent.  Once all clear child gets hand sanitizer and proceeds into the class.


Medication Guidelines: We will NOT administer medication of any kind unless it is a EMERGENCY situation.  Please speak with MCPA staff if you have questions regarding medication.  Medication is NOT permitted in children's bag or backpacks.  Parents who bring medication for ANY reason are required to check/sign in medication and sign out medication when taking home. 


Emergency Situations:​ You can be assured that MCPA makes every effort to provide a safe environment for your child.  We are properly equipped with fire and smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and Ms Cammy & staff are fully trained.  We have an extensive Food emergency plan, as well as Intruder, Weather, and evacuation plans.  These plans are on file and always available for review when asked. 


MCPA Emergency Plan:

In an emergency evacuation or relocation we will move the children to a safe area or alternate shelter down the street 2 buildings over to the Cutting Edge Pediatric Therapy building.

In the case of a area wide evacuation or relocation we will go to the nearest fire station, Located Broad Street

How children will be evacuated or relocated to the designated safe area or alternate shelter:

Parents will be contacted to immediately come to pick up their child. For children who can not be picked up before evacuation they will be placed in our vehicles and transported. For children under 24 month or with limited mobility we will be carried or held by staff.

Attendance of children will be counted using our Brightwheel app as well as parent communication.

Emergency Phone numbers:

817-901-1039 Cell Phone


Communication with local authorities will be via cell phone. Documentation will be carried via cell device is stored in Brightwheel.

Shelter in place & Intruder Emergency

Children will be taken to our Bathroom to shelter during severe storms or the inner hallway.

In the event of Intruder/hostile adult activity students will immediately go to the indoor playground to shelter or escape to safety out the door.

Reuniting communication will be sent using Brightwheel. Each parent will also be contacted via phone.

Children will be cared for and activities will be provided until parent can pick up.

Fire Drills will take place each month. Relocation during a fire is to across parking lot grass area.


Child Abuse Reporting: How to Contact Child Care Licensing; Minimum Standard Review MCPA will follow all state rules and guidelines regarding child abuse reporting.  If a child shows signs of abuse, or abuse is suspected we are required by law to notify the appropriate authorities.  MCPA Staff completes a yearly training on the prevention and response to child abuse and neglect of children.

Our program is on a private school exemption and does not receive visits or oversight through childcare licensing.  We do however abide by all minimum standards. 


How to contact Child Care Licensing:  For any questions, information, or concerns, and to report suspected child abuse or neglect.  You may contact child care licensing at any of the ways below:


* 817-321-8604

* 1501 Circle Dr. Suite 310 Fort Worth TX 76119

* PRS Child Abuse hotline 1-800-252-5400

Water Play :Throughout the year, we participate in several splash days & sprinkler play.  We DO NOT go to any type of swimming pools. 


Animals: We have a Friendly standard poodle.  He is shed free, up to date on all shots, is regularly seen by his vet and very sweet and social.  He is a frequent visitor of our program. 


Inclement Weather​: In the case of Bad weather we will follow Mansfield ISD Delays and Closings.  Check your local news and weather channel listings.  (If in the case we feel the weather is getting too bad throughout the day and we need to close, we will contact parents as soon as possible to come and pickup children as necessary)

When Mansfield ISD closes school due to weather, MCPA will also be closed.  We will inform Parents/Guardians if the school will be open for the day, open half the day or closed all day.  Due to power outages or severe weather, where we are unable to keep a comfortable & controlled environment we will be closed.  Parents will be alerted via our Brightwheel system or email to inform them of any closings.

Each day our children enjoy a array of outdoor & indoor activities.  Please plan for your child to go outdoors each day, where we have large motor activities, messy activities, playground equipment, and other fun things for the children to enjoy outdoors.   

In the event of rainy or extremely hot or cold weather our children will enjoy a variety of indoor large motor activities.  (Parachute, rolling balls, children's yoga, indoor playground, etc) 


Tuberculin Testing: Testing for children is not currently mandated by the state of Texas.  However, tuberculin screening is required for staff.  MCPA will follow all county guidelines in regards to TB screening.  For more information on TB screening please call your local health department.


Vision and Hearing Screening: Screening must be completed for every student ages 4 years and older when attending school/preschool as required by the state of Texas. 


Dress Code: All children should be dressed in assigned MCPA Logo clothing & closed toed slip on white/black shoes.  Each day students will participate in a wide variety of activities, including outdoor play.  During outdoor time clothes and shoes may become dirty or muddy.  Please take into consideration when dressing your child for the day.  MCPA will make every effort to protect students clothing, but be aware that spills and accidents may occur.  Each item should be labeled with your child's name clearly marked.  MCPA will not be responsible for ruined, lost, or stolen items.  


Weapons Policy/Gang Free/Drug Free Zone: At no times shall parents bring any firearm, darts, cap gun, knife, pepper spray, or any other tool used to inflict injury be allowed on the the premises.  Texas Penal Code States any area within 1000 ft  of a school is a gang free zone.  Criminal offenses related to organized criminal activity is subject to a harsher penalty.  


Personal Items: We ask that you do not send any toys from home.  Occasionally we may sponsor a show and tell day.  Your child will be permitted to bring an item related to the topic to the class to share and discuss.  This item must be labeled with your child's name and taken home at the end of the day.


Discipline and Guidance Policy: The message that we want to exhibit through modeling and actions, is that our school provides a secure and safe environment.  Within this environment learning, related to all facets of life occur.  The relationship involved in the development of positive self-esteem and positive self confidence has a direct relationship to school, on the playground, at home, or wherever children may be in the real world.  That is why we must establish an environment that is consistent in nurturing and honoring the special worth and value of each child attending.  

When a child chooses to disrupt their own learning, interfere with another student's learning, perform an action that may harm them self or others, or is openly disrespectful the teacher will choose from one of the following options.

a. Talk with the child on their level.  b. Place the child in a time-out/ thinking area/peace place.  c. Limit the classroom or playground privileges  d. Call a conference with the parent. e. Sent home for the day ( MCPA will notify parents due to extreme or continual disciplinary issue, where a child has become a disruption to the success of their day.  In some cases a child will be sent home for the day to regroup and rejoin their class the next day for a fresh start.)

The option chosen by the Ms. Cammy will depend on the severity/nature of the child's behavior.  We will always work with the parent in solving behavior problems involving their child.  However, if there is continued lack of self control and or other related problems that interfere with learning or the safety to oneself or others, the child may be permanently dismissed from MCPA. 


Field Trips:  We take FAMILY Field Trips at MCP ACADEMY.  Parents will transport their own child.  You must sign a contract at the beginning of the year to ensure this is ok with your family.  


Special Events/Outside Food: Please notify MCPA if it is your child's special day and you would like to bring non-food goodies.    You may bring age appropriate party favors and pass out invitations.  These items will be distributed by the teacher at the end of the day.  Please bring one for each child.  For privacy, we cannot release addresses or phone numbers of any child and/or family member without their prior permission.  We do not permit outside food/cupcakes/cookies/etc to be brought without permission from teacher.  


Pictures:  Photos of your child/children will be taken periodically throughout the school year.  These photos may or may not be used for the Facebook, year book, keepsake, dvd slideshow, and the website, or other forms of release.  By enrolling your child at MCPA please note that children will be photographed and shared.


MCP Academy is a secular school and does not focus on nor give preference for any one religion or culture.  MCP welcomes all and does not discriminate based on gender, race, sexual orientation, or religion.


"The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life" ~Maria Montessori 






Would you like to schedule a tour?  Are you interested in more info? 

Office Hours:




Enrolled in class


By appointment only



201 Regency Pkwy #121

Mansfield Tx 76063


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